I’m a fan of teleseminars because I’ve seen the difference they can make in my business and that of my clients. And, the technology has become so easy and inexpensive that it makes sense for just about every women business owner to conduct one.
Here are five approaches to hosting a teleseminar that will benefit your business.
I’m often asked how I got to be so enthusiastic about life. Women want to know how I can be continually turned on and excited about all that’s happening around me. My answer is that I have seen the dull and boring side of life and I refuse to live that way. So although I may come across as “over the top” sometimes, very few people consider me boring or ordinary.
If you’d like to join my over-the-top club, here are five ways to add enthusiasm to your life.
If you’re like me, you love to receive a pat on the back. In my case, it probably goes back to the sense of accomplishment I felt as a child whenever I received a gold star or a good grade.
Praise is important in business and in life, and praising in a meaningful way can result in a sense of accomplishment for the individual you are praising, and untold benefits to you as well.
Here are five ways to offer meaningful praise.
Many women tell me that they have a difficult time creating articles to promote themselves or their businesses. This has never been a problem of mine—as evidenced by this weekly newsletter—because I follow these five steps with every article I write.
There are so many ways to communicate these days. How can you stand out from the crowd with clients, prospects and even former clients? Consider touching your clients and prospects in the five ways listed below. You can either do one of these each day, or do all five on the same day. If you do all five every week the results may be startling.