As you gain a reputation for success, more and more women will ask you to mentor them. If you’re like me, you’ll wish you could mentor everyone who asks, but because your time is limited and valuable, you’ve got to be selective about who you help. It’s important to always take the time for due diligence before you agree to a mentoring relationship.
Here are the specific questions I ask a woman before I decide whether or not to mentor her.I’ve been using PowerPoint for over twenty years now. It is one of the most useful—and one of the most misused—tools ever created. An effective visual presentation should enhance your session, not overpower it. Here are five ways to ensure that.
I’m a fan of teleseminars because I’ve seen the difference they can make in my business and that of my clients. And, the technology has become so easy and inexpensive that it makes sense for just about every women business owner to conduct one.
Here are five approaches to hosting a teleseminar that will benefit your business.
I’m often asked how I got to be so enthusiastic about life. Women want to know how I can be continually turned on and excited about all that’s happening around me. My answer is that I have seen the dull and boring side of life and I refuse to live that way. So although I may come across as “over the top” sometimes, very few people consider me boring or ordinary.
If you’d like to join my over-the-top club, here are five ways to add enthusiasm to your life.